Jikkou Getting Started

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Jikkou.

This document will guide you through setting up Jikkou in a few minutes and managing your first resources with Jikkou.


The following prerequisites are required for a successful and properly use of Jikkou.

Make sure the following is installed:

  • An Apache Kafka cluster.
  • Java 21 (not required when using the binary version).

Start your local Apache Kafka Cluster

You must have access to an Apache Kafka cluster for using Jikkou. Most of the time, the latest version of Jikkou is always built for working with the most recent version of Apache Kafka.

Make sure the Docker is up and running.

Then, run the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/streamthoughts/jikkou
$ cd jikkou
$ ./up              # use ./down for stopping the docker-compose stack

Run Jikkou

Download the latest distribution (For Linux)

Run the following commands to install the latest version:

wget https://github.com/streamthoughts/jikkou/releases/download/v0.34.0/jikkou-0.34.0-linux-x86_64.zip && \
unzip jikkou-0.34.0-linux-x86_64.zip  && \
cp jikkou-0.34.0-linux-x86_64/bin/jikkou $HOME/.local/bin && \
source <(jikkou generate-completion) && \
jikkou --version

For more details, or for other options, see the installation guide.

Configure Jikkou for your local Apache Kafka cluster

Set configuration context for localhost

jikkou config set-context localhost --config-props=kafka.client.bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092

Show the complete configuration.

jikkou config view --name localhost

Finally, let’s check if your cluster is accessible:

jikkou health get kafka


If OK, you should get an output similar to :

name: "kafka"
status: "UP"
  resource: "urn:kafka:cluster:id:KRzY-7iRTHy4d1UVyNlcuw"
    - id: "1"
      host: "localhost"
      port: 9092

Create your first topics

First, create a resource YAML file describing the topics you want to create on your cluster:

file: kafka-topics.yaml

apiVersion: "kafka.jikkou.io/v1beta2"
kind: "KafkaTopicList"
  - metadata:
      name: 'my-first-topic'
      partitions: 5
      replicationFactor: 1
        cleanup.policy: 'compact'

  - metadata:
      name: 'my-second-topic'
      partitions: 4
      replicationFactor: 1
        cleanup.policy: 'delete'

Then, run the following Jikkou command to trigger the topic creation on the cluster:

jikkou create -f ./kafka-topics.yaml


TASK [ADD] Add topic 'my-first-topic' (partitions=5, replicas=-1, configs=[cleanup.policy=compact]) - CHANGED
    "changed": true,
    "end": 1683986528117,
    "resource": {
      "name": "my-first-topic",
      "partitions": {
        "after": 5
      "replicas": {
        "after": -1
      "configs": {
        "cleanup.policy": {
          "after": "compact",
          "operation": "ADD"
      "operation": "ADD"
    "failed": false,
    "status": "CHANGED"
  TASK [ADD] Add topic 'my-second-topic' (partitions=4, replicas=-1, configs=[cleanup.policy=delete]) - CHANGED
    "changed": true,
    "end": 1683986528117,
    "resource": {
      "name": "my-second-topic",
      "partitions": {
        "after": 4
      "replicas": {
        "after": -1
      "configs": {
        "cleanup.policy": {
          "after": "delete",
          "operation": "ADD"
      "operation": "ADD"
    "failed": false,
    "status": "CHANGED"
  EXECUTION in 772ms
  0, created:
    2, altered:
      0, deleted:
        0 failed: 0

Finally, you can verify that topics are created on the cluster

jikkou get kafkatopics --default-configs

Update Kafka Topics

Edit your kafka-topics.yaml to add a retention.ms: 86400000 property to the defined topics.

Then, run the following command.

jikkou update -f ./kafka-topics.yaml

Delete Kafka Topics

To delete all topics defines in the topics.yaml, add an annotation jikkou.io/delete: true as follows:

apiVersion: "kafka.jikkou.io/v1beta2"
kind: "KafkaTopicList"
    # Annotation to specify that all resources must be deleted.
    jikkou.io/delete: true
  - metadata:
      name: 'my-first-topic'
      partitions: 5
      replicationFactor: 1
        cleanup.policy: 'compact'

  - metadata:
      name: 'my-second-topic'
      partitions: 4
      replicationFactor: 1
        cleanup.policy: 'delete'

Then, run the following command:

$ jikkou apply \
    --files ./kafka-topics.yaml \
    --selector "metadata.name MATCHES (my-.*-topic)" \

Using the dry-run option, give you the possibility to check the changes that will be made before applying them.

Now, rerun the above command without the --dry-run option to definitively delete the topics.

Reading the Help

To learn more about the available Jikkou commands, use jikkou help or type a command followed by the -h flag:

$ jikkou help get

Next Steps

Now, you’re ready to use Jikkou!🚀

As next steps, we suggest reading the following documentation in this order:

  • Learn Jikkou concepts
  • Read the Developer Guide to understand how to use the Jikkou API for Java
  • Look at the examples
Last modified May 6, 2024: docs: update for v0.34.0 (1f53650e)