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1 - Release v0.32.0

Jikkou 0.32.0: Moving Beyond Apache Kafka. Introducing new features: Extension Providers, Actions, etc.!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of Jikkou 0.32.0 which packs two major features: External Extension Providers and Actions. 🙂

Highlights: What’s new in Jikkou 0.32.0?

  • New External Extension Provider mechanism to extend Jikkou features.

  • New extension type Action to execute specific operations against resources.

  • New action for resetting consumer group offsets.

  • New action for restarting connector and tasks for Kafka Connect.

  • New option selector-match to exclude/include resources from being returned or reconciled by Jikkou.

  • New API to get resources by their name.

Extension Providers

Jikkou is a project that continues to reinvent and redefine itself with each new version. Initially developed exclusively to manage the configuration of Kafka topics, it can now be used to manage Schema Registries, Kafka Connect connectors, and more. But, the funny thing is that Jikkou isn’t coupled with Kafka. It was designed around a concept of pluggable extensions that enable new capabilities and kind of resources to be seamlessly added to the project. For this, Jikkou uses the Java Service Loader mechanism to automatically discover new extensions at runtime.

Unfortunately, until now there has been no official way of using this mechanism with Jikkou CLI or Jikkou API Server. For this reason, Jikkou 0.32.0 brings the capability to easily configuration external extensions.

So how does it work? Well, let’s imagine you want to be able to load Text Files from the local filesystem using Jikkou.

First, we need to create a new Java project and add the Jikkou Core library to your project’s dependencies ( io.streamthoughts:jikkou-core:0.32.0 dependency).

Then, you will need to create some POJO classes to represent your resource (e.g., V1File.class) and to implement the Collector interface :

@SupportedResource(type = V1File.class)
        options = {
                        name = "directory",
                        description = "The absolute path of the directory from which to collect files",
                        type = String.class,
                        required = true
@Description("FileCollector allows listing all files in a given directory.")
public final class FileCollector
        extends ContextualExtension
        implements Collector<V1File> {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileCollector.class);

    public ResourceListObject<V1File> listAll(@NotNull Configuration configuration,
                                              @NotNull Selector selector) {

        // Get the 'directory' option.
        String directory = extensionContext().<String>configProperty("directory").get(configuration);

        // Collect all files.
        List<V1File> objects = Stream.of(new File(directory).listFiles())
                .filter(file -> !file.isDirectory())
                .map(file -> {
                    try {
                        Path path = file.toPath();
                        String content = Files.readString(path);
                        V1File object = new V1File(ObjectMeta
                                .withAnnotation("", Files.size(path))
                                .withAnnotation("", Files.getLastModifiedTime(path))
                                new V1FileSpec(content)
                        return Optional.of(object);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.error("Cannot read content from file: {}", file.getName(), e);
                        return Optional.<V1File>empty();
        ObjectMeta objectMeta = ObjectMeta
                .withAnnotation("", directory)
        return new DefaultResourceListObject<>("FileList", "", objectMeta, objects);

Next, you will need to implement the ExtensionProvider interface to register both your extension and your resource kind.

public final class FileExtensionProvider implements ExtensionProvider {

     * Registers the extensions for this provider.
     * @param registry The ExtensionRegistry.
    public void registerExtensions(@NotNull ExtensionRegistry registry) {
        registry.register(FileCollector.class, FileCollector::new);

     * Registers the resources for this provider.
     * @param registry The ResourceRegistry.
    public void registerResources(@NotNull ResourceRegistry registry) {

Then, the fully qualified name of the class must be added to the resource file META-INF/service/io.streamthoughts.jikkou.spi.ExtensionProvider.

Finally, all you need to do is to package your project as a tarball or ZIP archive. The archive must contain a single top-level directory containing the extension JAR files, as well as any resource files or third-party libraries required by your extensions.

To install your Extension Provider, all you need to do is to unpacks the archive into a desired location (e.g., /usr/share/jikkou-extensions) and to configure the Jikkou’s API Server or Jikkou CLI (when running the Java Binary Distribution, i.e., not the native version) with the jikkou.extension.paths property (e.g., jikkou.extension.paths=/usr/share/jikkou-extensions). For people who are familiar with how Kafka Connect works, it’s more or less the same mechanism.

(The full code source of this example is available on GitHub).

And that’s it! 🙂

Extension Providers open up the possibility of infinitely expanding Jikkou to manage your own resources, and use it with systems other than Kafka.


Jikkou uses a declarative approach to manage the asset state of your data infrastructure using resource descriptors written in YAML. But sometimes, ops and development teams may need to perform specific operations on their resources that cannot be included in their descriptor files. For example, you may need to reset offsets for one or multiple Kafka Consumer Groups, restart failed connectors and tasks for Kafka Connect, etc. So instead of having to switch from one tool to another, why not just use Jikkou for this?

Well, to solve that need, Jikkou 0.32.0 introduces a new type of extension called “Actions” that allows users to perform specific operations on resources.

Combined with the External Extension Provider mechanism, you can now implement the Action interface to add custom operations to Jikkou.

public interface Action<T extends HasMetadata> extends HasMetadataAcceptable, Extension {

     * Executes the action.
     * @param configuration The configuration
     * @return The ExecutionResultSet
    ExecutionResultSet<T> execute(@NotNull Configuration configuration);

Actions are fully integrated with Jikkou API Server through the new Endpoint: /api/v1/actions/{name}/execute{?[options]

Kafka Consumer Groups

Altering Consumer Group Offsets

Jikkou 0.32.0 introduces the new KafkaConsumerGroupsResetOffsets action allows resetting offsets of consumer groups.

Here is an example showing how to reset the group my-group to the earliest offsets for topic test.

$ jikkou action kafkaconsumergroupresetoffsets execute \
--group my-group \
--topic test \


kind: "ApiActionResultSet"
apiVersion: ""
  labels: { }
  annotations: "true" "my-group" "false"
      - "test"
  - status: "SUCCEEDED"
    errors: [ ]
      apiVersion: ""
      kind: "KafkaConsumerGroup"
        name: "my-group"
        annotations: { }
        state: "EMPTY"
        members: [ ]
          - topic: "test"
            partition: 1
            offset: 0
          id: "101"
          host: "localhost"
          port: 9092

This action is pretty similar to the kafka-consumer-group script that ships with Apache Kafka. You can use it to reset a consumer group to the earliest or latest offsets, to a specific datetime or specific offset.

In addition, it can be executed in a dry-run.

Deleting Consumer Groups

You can now add the core annotation to a KafkaConsumerGroup resource to mark it for deletion:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaConsumerGroup"
  name: "my-group"
  labels: false
  annotations: true
$ jikkou delete --files my-consumer-group.yaml -o wide

TASK [DELETE] Delete consumer group 'my-group' - CHANGED ************************************************
  "status" : "CHANGED",
  "changed" : true,
  "failed" : false,
  "end" : 1701162781494,
  "data" : {
    "apiVersion" : "",
    "kind" : "GenericResourceChange",
    "metadata" : {
      "name" : "my-group",
      "labels" : {
        "" : false
      "annotations" : {
        "" : true,
        "" : "./my-consumer-group.yaml"
    "change" : {
      "before" : {
        "apiVersion" : "",
        "kind" : "KafkaConsumerGroup",
        "metadata" : {
          "name" : "my-group",
          "labels" : {
            "" : false
          "annotations" : { }
      "operation" : "DELETE"
  "description" : "Delete consumer group 'my-group'"
EXECUTION in 64ms 
ok : 0, created : 0, altered : 0, deleted : 1 failed : 0

Kafka Connect

Restarting Connector and Tasks

This new release also packs with the new action KafkaConnectRestartConnectors action allows a user to restart all or just the failed Connector and Task instances for one or multiple named connectors.

Here are a few examples from the documentation:

  • Restarting all connectors for all Kafka Connect clusters.
  $ jikkou action kafkaconnectrestartconnectors execute
kind: "ApiActionResultSet"
apiVersion: ""
labels: {}
annotations: {}
- status: "SUCCEEDED"
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: "KafkaConnector"
      name: "local-file-sink"
      labels: "my-connect-cluster"
      annotations: {}
      connectorClass: "FileStreamSink"
      tasksMax: 1
        file: "/tmp/test.sink.txt"
        topics: "connect-test"
      state: "RUNNING"
        name: "local-file-sink"
        state: "RUNNING"
        workerId: "connect:8083"
          - id: 0
           state: "RUNNING"
            workerId: "connect:8083"
  • Restarting a specific connector and tasks for on Kafka Connect cluster
  $ jikkou action kafkaconnectrestartconnectors execute \
  --cluster-name my-connect-cluster
  --connector-name local-file-sink \

New Selector Matching Strategy

Jikkou CLI allows you to provide one or multiple *selector expressions *in order to include or exclude resources from being returned or reconciled by Jikkou. In previous versions, selectors were cumulative, so resources had to match all selectors to be returned. Now, you can specify a selector matching strategy to determine how expressions must be combined using the option –selector-match=[ANY|ALL|NONE].

  • ALL: A resource is selected if it matches all selectors.

  • ANY: A resource is selected if it matches one of the selectors.

  • NONE: A resource is selected if it matches none of the selectors.

For example, the below command will only return topics matching the regex ^__.* or having a name equals to _schemas.

$ jikkou get kafkatopics \
--selector ' MATCHES (^__connect-*)'
--selector ' IN (_schemas)'
--selector-match ANY

New Get Resource by Name

In some cases, it may be necessary to retrieve only a specific resource for a specific name. In previous versions, the solution was to use selectors. Unfortunately, this approach isn’t very efficient, as it involves retrieving all the resources and then filtering them. To start solving that issue, Jikkou v0.32.0 adds a new API to retrieve a resource by its name.

Example (using Jikkou CLI):

$ jikkou get kafkatopics --name _schemas

Example (using Jikkou API Server):

$ curl -sX GET \
http://localhost:28082/apis/ \
-H 'Accept:application/json'

Note : Currently not all resources have been updated to use that new API, so it’s possible that selectors are used as a default implementation by internal Jikkou API.

2 - Release v0.33.0

Introducing Jikkou 0.33.0

We’re excited to unveil the latest release of Jikkou 0.33.0. 🎉

To install the new version, please visit the installation guide. For detailed release notes, check out the GitHub page.

What’s New in Jikkou 0.33.0?

  • Enhanced resource change format.
  • Added support for the patch command.
  • Introduced the new --status option for KafkaTopic resources.
  • Exported offset-lag to the status of KafkaConsumerGroup resources.

Below is a summary of these new features with examples.

Diff/Patch Commands

In previous versions, Jikkou provided the diff command to display changes required to reconcile input resources. However, this command lacked certain capabilities to be truly useful. This new version introduces a standardized change format for all resource types, along with two new options for filtering changes:

  • --filter-resource-op=: Filters out all state changes except those corresponding to the given operations.
  • --filter-change-op=: Filters out all resources except those corresponding to the given operations.

The new output format you can expect from the diff command is as follows:

apiVersion: [ group/version of the change ]
kind: [ kind of the change ]
metadata: [ resource metadata ]
  # Array of state changes
    - name: [ name of the changed state ]
      op: [ change operation ]
      before: [ value of the state before the operation ]
      after: [ value of the state after the operation ]
  data: [ static data attached to the resource ]
  op: [ resource change operation ]

The primary motivation behind this new format is the introduction of a new patch command. Prior to Jikkou 0.33.0, when using the apply command after a dry-run or a diff command, Jikkou couldn’t guarantee that the applied changes matched those returned from the previous command. With Jikkou 0.33.0, you can now directly pass the result of the diff command to the new patch command to efficiently apply the desired state changes.

Here’s a workflow to create your resources:

Step 1) Create a resource descriptor file

cat << EOF > my-topic.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: KafkaTopic
  name: 'my-topic'
    environment: example
  partitions: 3
  replicas: 1
    min.insync.replicas: 1
    cleanup.policy: 'delete'

Step 2) Run diff

jikkou diff -f ./my-topic.yaml > my-topic-diff.yaml

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaTopicChange"
  name: "my-topic"
    environment: "example"
  annotations: "my-topic.yaml"
    - name: "partitions"
      op: "CREATE"
      after: 3
    - name: "replicas"
      op: "CREATE"
      after: 1
    - name: "config.cleanup.policy"
      op: "CREATE"
      after: "delete"
    - name: "config.min.insync.replicas"
      op: "CREATE"
      after: 1
  op: "CREATE"

Step 3) Run patch

jikkou patch -f ./my-topic-diff.yaml --mode FULL --output compact


] Create topic 'my-topic' (partitions=3, replicas=1, configs=[cleanup.policy=delete, min.insync.replicas=1]) - CHANGED
EXECUTION in 3s 797ms
ok: 0, created: 1, altered: 0, deleted: 0 failed: 0

Attempting to apply the changes a second time may result in an error from the remote system:

  "status": "FAILED",
  "description": "Create topic 'my-topic' (partitions=3, replicas=1,configs=[cleanup.policy=delete,min.insync.replicas=1])",
  "errors": [ {
    "message": "TopicExistsException: Topic 'my-topic' already exists."
  } ],

Resource Provider for Apache Kafka

Jikkou 0.33.0 also packs with some minor improvements for the Apache Kafka provider.

KafkaTopic Status

You can now describe the status of a topic-partitions by using the new --status option
when getting a KafkaTopic resource.

jikkou get kt --status --selector " IN (my-topic)"

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaTopic"
  name: "my-topic"
  labels: "UbZI2N2YQTqfNcbKKHps5A"
  annotations: "xtzWWN4bTjitpL3kfd9s5g"
  partitions: 1
  replicas: 1
    cleanup.policy: "delete"
  configMapRefs: [ ]
    - id: 0
      leader: 101
        - 101
        - 101

KafkaConsumerGroup OffsetLags

With Jikkou 0.33.0, you can export the offset-lag of a KafkaConsumerGroup resource using the --offsets option.

jikkou get kafkaconsumergroups --offsets

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaConsumerGroup"
  name: "my-group"
  labels: false
  state: "EMPTY"
  members: [ ]
    - topic: "my-topic"
      partition: 0
      offset: 16
      offset-lag: 0
    id: "101"
    host: "localhost"
    port: 9092

Finally, all those new features are also completely available through the Jikkou REST Server.

Wrapping Up

We hope you enjoy these new features. If you encounter any issues with Jikkou v0.33.0, please feel free to open a GitHub issue on our project page. Don’t forget to give us a ⭐️ on Github to support the team, and join us on Slack.

3 - Release v0.34.0

Introducing Jikkou 0.34.0

We’re excited to unveil the latest release of Jikkou 0.34.0. 🎉

To install the new version, please visit the installation guide. For detailed release notes, check out the GitHub page.

What’s New in Jikkou 0.34.0?

  • Enhanced Aiven provider with support for Kafka topics.
  • Added SSL support for Kafka Connect and Schema Registry
  • Introduced dynamic connection for Kafka Connect clusters

Below is a summary of these new features with examples.

Topic Aiven for Apache Kafka

Jikkou 0.34.0 adds a new KafkaTopic kind that can be used to manage kafka Topics directly though the Aiven API.

You can list kafka topics using the new command below:

jikkou get avn-kafkatopics

In addition, topics can be described, created and updated using the same resource model as the Apache Kafka provider.

# file:./aiven-kafkat-topics.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaTopic"
  name: "test"
  labels: "test-tag"
  partitions: 1
  replicas: 3
    cleanup.policy: "delete"
    compression.type: "producer"

The main advantages of using this new resource kind are the use of the Aiven Token API to authenticate to the Aiven API and the ability to manage tags for kafka topics.

SSL support for Kafka Connect and Schema Registry

Jikkou 0.34.0 also brings SSL support for the Kafka Connect and Schema Registry providers. Therefore, it’s now possible to configure the providers to authenticate using SSL certificate.

Example for the Schema Registry:

jikkou {
  schemaRegistry {
    url = "https://localhost:8081"
    authMethod = "SSL"
    sslKeyStoreLocation = "/certs/registry.keystore.jks"
    sslKeyStoreType = "JKS"
    sslKeyStorePassword = "password"
    sslKeyPassword = "password"
    sslTrustStoreLocation = "/certs/registry.truststore.jks"
    sslTrustStoreType = "JKS"
    sslTrustStorePassword = "password"
    sslIgnoreHostnameVerification = true

Dynamically connection for Kafka Connect clusters

Before Jikkou 0.34.0, to deploy a Kafka Connect connector, it was mandatory to configure a connection to a target cluster:

jikkou {
  extensions.provider.kafkaconnect.enabled = true
  kafkaConnect {
    clusters = [
        name = "my-connect-cluster"
        url = "http://localhost:8083"

This connection could then be referenced in a connector resource definition via the annotation

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaConnector"
  name: "mu-connector"
  labels: "my-connect-cluster"

This approach is suitable for most use cases, but can be challenging if you need to manage a large and dynamic number of Kafka Connect clusters.

To meet this need, it is now possible to provide connection information for the cluster to connect to directly, through the new metadata annotation new metadata annotation:

Here is a simple example showing the use of the new annotation:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "KafkaConnector"
  name: "mu-connector"
  labels: "my-connect-cluster"
  annotations: |
      { "url": "http://localhost:8083" }      

This new annotation can be used with the Jikkou’s Jinja template creation mechanism to define dynamic configuration.

Wrapping Up

We hope you enjoy these new features. If you encounter any issues with Jikkou v0.33.0, please feel free to open a GitHub issue on our project page. Don’t forget to give us a ⭐️ on Github to support the team, and join us on Slack.