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Install Jikkou

This guide shows how to install the Jikkou CLI.

    Jikkou can be installed either from source, or from releases.

    The latest stable release of jikkou (x86) for Linux, and macOS can be retrieved via SDKMan!:

    sdk install jikkou

    From The Jikkou Project


    Every release released versions of Jikkou is available:

    These are the official ways to get Jikkou releases that you manually downloaded and installed.

    Install From Release distribution

    1. Download your desired version
    2. Unpack it (unzip
    3. Move the unpacked directory to the desired destination (mv jikkou-0.34.0-linux-x86_64 /opt/jikkou)
    4. Add the executable to your PATH (export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jikkou/bin)

    From there, you should be able to run the client: jikkou help.

    It is recommended to install the bash/zsh completion script jikkou_completion:

    wget . jikkou_completion

    or alternatively, run the following command for generation the completion script.

    $ source <(jikkou generate-completion)

    Using Docker Image

    # Create a Jikkou configfile (i.e., jikkouconfig)
    cat << EOF >jikkouconfig
      "currentContext" : "localhost",
      "localhost" : {
        "configFile" : null,
        "configProps" : {
          "kafka.client.bootstrap.servers" : "localhost:9092"
    # Run Docker
    docker run -it \
    --net host \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/jikkouconfig,target=/etc/jikkou/config \
    streamthoughts/jikkou:latest -V

    Development Builds

    In addition to releases you can download or install development snapshots of Jikkou.

    From Docker Hub

    Docker images are built and push to Docker Hub from the latest main branch. They are not official releases, and may not be stable. However, they offer the opportunity to test the cutting edge features.

    $ docker run -it streamthoughts/jikkou:main

    From Source (Linux, macOS)

    Building Jikkou from source is slightly more work, but is the best way to go if you want to test the latest ( pre-release) Jikkou version.


    To build the project you will need:

    • Java 21 (i.e. $JAVA_HOME environment variable is configured).
    • GraalVM 22.1.0 or newer to create native executable
    • TestContainer to run integration tests

    Create Native Executable

    # Build and run all tests
    ./mvnw clean verify -Pnative

    You can then execute the native executable with: ./jikkou-cli/target/jikkou-$PROJECT_VERSION-runner

    Build Debian Package (.deb)

    # Build and run all tests
    ./mvnw clean package -Pnative
    ./mvnw package -Pdeb

    You can then install the package with: sudo dpkg -i ./dist/jikkou-$PROJECT_VERSION-linux-x86_64.deb

    NOTE: Jikkou will install itself in the directory : /opt/jikkou

    Build RPM Package

    # Build and run all tests
    ./mvnw clean package -Pnative
    ./mvnw package -Prpm

    The RPM package will available in the ./target/rpm/jikkou/RPMS/noarch/ directory.