Develop Custom Action

Learn how to develop custom actions.

This section covers the core classes to develop action extensions.


To create a custom action, you will need to implement the Java interface: io.streamthoughts.jikkou.core.action.Action.

 * Interface for executing a one-shot action on a specific type of resources.
 * @param <T> The type of the resource.
public interface Action<T extends HasMetadata> extends HasMetadataAcceptable, Extension {

     * Executes the action.
     * @param configuration The configuration
     * @return The ExecutionResultSet
    @NotNull ExecutionResultSet<T> execute(@NotNull Configuration configuration);


The Action class below shows how to implement a custom action accepting options`.

@Title("Print the input.")
@Description("The EchoAction allows printing the text provided in input.")
        options = {
                        name = INPUT_CONFIG_NAME,
                        description = "The input text to print.",
                        type = String.class,
                        required = true
public final class EchoAction extends ContextualExtension implements Action<HasMetadata> {
    public static final String NAME = "EchoAction";
    public static final String INPUT_CONFIG_NAME = "input";
    public @NotNull ExecutionResultSet<HasMetadata> execute(@NotNull Configuration configuration) {

        String input = extensionContext().<String>configProperty(INPUT_CONFIG_NAME).get(configuration);

        return ExecutionResultSet
                        .data(new EchoOut(input))

    record EchoOut(@JsonProperty("out") String out) implements HasMetadata {

        public ObjectMeta getMetadata() {
            return new ObjectMeta();

        public HasMetadata withMetadata(ObjectMeta objectMeta) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();